Recount adalah teks yang isinya menceritakan kejadian-kejadian yang dialami pada waktu lampau. Its function is to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Biasanya focus pada ‘specific paricipants’. 
Struktur yang digunakan adalah:
Orientation berisi tentang siapa, kapan dan dimana terjadinya.
Event(s) berisi tentang kejadian-kejadian yang dialaminya pada waktu itu.
Reorintation berisi tentang ungkapan pribadi si penulis terkait dengan kejadian yang dialami tersebut. Tapi ‘Reorientation’ tidak harus ada dalam setiap teks recount.
Tenses yang digunakan adalah ‘past tense’

                  My family and I went on recreation to Solo. We went there on Monday by car. We stayed at grandparents’ house.
     On Tuesday we went to Tawangmangu. We enjoyed the scenic view with its waterfall and ate lunch there. We had traditional cuisine like Gudangan, Tempe Bacem, fried fish and fried chicken. Then we continued our trip to Taman Jurug.
     The next day we went to Kasunanan Palace. We saw many kinds of historical heritage of the palace. After that we had shopping at Klewer market and Solo Grand Mall. I bought some souvenirs for my cousins. In the evening we went sight seeing the town.
     On Thursday morning we said goodbye to our grandparents and went home.
     I really enjoyed my holiday.  Although I felt tired, it was fun.

Dear Mum and Dad,  
     On Thursday 2, we went on an excursion to observe the plants.
     First, we went to Marina beach. There were not many plants because of the salt and the sand. Then we got back on the bus.
     Next we went to the steelworks. We sat on a hill and observed the plants. We saw bushes and grass. Not many plants grow because of the pollution.
     We got back to the bus and went to Mt. Ungaran rainforest. We got off the bus and ate our little lunch in the clearing area. We saw many different types of plants and trees. We saw wattle trees, tall trees, thin trees and rock plants.
     After that we got back on the bus and went back to school. We arrived at school
      at 1 p.m.
     We had great fun!

Up the Mountain We Go
Last month, my family took a camping trip to the mountain in Yogyakarta. It is Mount Merapi which is still an active volcano up to now. It is not far from my home town.
We went to the camping site by trucks. It took about an hour and a half to get there. Along the way I saw beautiful scenery of villages with green rice fields and trees. At 10.00 o’clock we arrived there and the air was very cold.
Every morning we went hiking and bicycling to warm our body. It was so cold. At night we built a fire. I had to keep the fire burning. We could sit around it and sing until midnight.

Task 1.
Gunakanlah Kata tanya dibawah ini, buatlah pertanyaan dari masing masing teks di atas.

·       When.........?
·       Where......?
·       Who...........?
·       What.......?
·       Why........?

Task 2.
Jawablah Pertanyaan yang telah anda buat sesuai dengan teks bacaan diatas

Task 3.
Mention every connectives word used in the text

Task 4.
Written down kind of tenses using in the text ( Past tense,Past perfect.....)

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