Reading :
Reading adalah pokok bahasan yang cakupannya luas. Namun bagian reading dalam USM STAN sebenarnya tidak susah, asal tahu apa maksud soal dan bagaimana cara menetukan jawabannya. Biasanya, soal-soal Reading mencakup hal-hal sebagai berikut:
-       1. Title identification (menentukan judul)
-       2. Identifying the main idea (menentukan ide pokok/gagasan/inti dari sebuah tulisan)
-       3. Expressions and meanings and their usage (menentukan arti dan maksud dari sebuah kata, istilah
            atau gaya bahasa tertentu)
-       4. Finding contextual answers according to the passage (menjawab pertanyaan sesuai konteks
             berdasarkan isi dan maksud sebuah wancana atau tulisan)
-        5. True or false (menentukan kebenaran atau kesalahan suatu pernyataan) 

Jenis Teks :
Mengetahui jenis teks membantu kita dalam menjawab soal, misalnya dalam menentukan judul, ide pokok, dan maksud yang ingin disampaikan. Jenis-jenis teks secara umum sebaagai berikut:

1-  Recount:  Menceritakan kembali suatu peristiwa dengan tujuan sekadar memberitahu atau menghibur pembaca. 

2- Report: Mendeskripsikan sesuatu hal dengan apa adanya, berdasarkan fenomena alami, buatan manusia, ataupun sosial di dalam lingkungan kita.

3-  Discussion: Memaparkan sekurang-kurangnya dua pendapat mengenai suatu isu/masalah.

4- Explanation: Menjelaskan proses-proses yang ada terkait pembuatan atau pelaksanaan dalam fenomena/kejadian alami atau sosial budaya.

5- Narrative: Menceritakan suatu hal dengan tujuan menghibur. Hal-hal yang diceritakan bersifat problematic, dengan urutan kejadian tertentu yang berujung pada konflik atau krisis yang diakhiri resolusi. 

6-  Procedure: Mendeskripsikan bagaimana sesuatu terjadi lewat rangkaian kejadian atau langkah-langkah tertentu.

7-   Description:  Mendeskripsikan seseorang, tempat tertentu, atau hal tertentu.

8- Review: Kritik/Ulasan tentang suatu karya atau acara untuk khalayak ramai. Review juga menunjukkan bagaimana suatu karya termasuk film, acara televise, buku, drama, opera, pameran, konser, daan pertunjukkan balet. 

9-   Exposition (Analitical): Persuades the reader or listener that something is the case.

1-  Exposition (Hortatory): karangan yang berusaha meyakinkan pembaca, yang berisi argument-argumen tentang suatu masalah.

1-  News Item: Menginformasikan kepadaa pembaca tentang kejadian tertentu yang dianggap penting untuk diberitakan.

1-  Anecdote: Karangan yang bertujuan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang unik, lucu, atau luar biasa.

Contoh Soal:
      People express their personalities in their clothes, their cars, and their homes. A study shows that our diets are also an expression of our personalities. Perhaps we don’t choose foods only for taste and nutrition. We might choose them because they “tell” people something about us. For example, some people eat mainly gourmet foods, such as caviar and lobster, and they only eat in expensive restaurants (never in cafeterias or snack bars). They might want to “tell” the world that they know about the “better things in life”.
       Human beings can eat many different kinds of food, but some people choose not to eat meat. These vegetarians often have more in common than just their diet. Their personalities might be similar, too. For example, vegetarians in the United States may be creative people, and they might not enjoy competitive sports or jobs. They worry about the health of the world, and they probably don’t believe in war.
      Some people eat mostly “fast-food”. One study shows that many fat-food eaters have a lot I common with each other, but they are very much different from vegetarians. They are competitive and good at business. They are also in a hurry. Many fast-food eaters might not agree with this description of their personalities, but it’s a common picture of them.
       Some people also believe that people of the same astrological sign, have similar food personalities. Arians (born under the sign of Aries, between March 21 and April 19) usually like spicy food, with a lot of onions and pepper. People with the sign of Taurus (April 20 to May 20) prefer healthful fruits and vegetables, but they often eat too much. Sgittarians (November 22 to December 21) like ethnic foods from many different countries. Aquarians (January 20 to February 18 ) can eat as much meat and fish as they want, but sugar and cholesterol are sometimes problems for them.   

       1.       What’s the suitable title for the text?
              a.  Types of Food
              b.  How a the Personality of a Vegetarian is Connected with Their Food
              c.  Food Personalities
              d.  Food and the Zodiac
       2.        According to the text, it is possible that people choose their foods because…
 a.   They tell the person what interests them.
 b.   They tell them what’s tasty and nutritious.
 c.   They are an alternative to clothes and cars
 d.   They tell people something about those who eat them.
       3.       What’s the main idea of paragraph two?
 a.   Vegetarians are people who don’t eat meat.
 b.   There are many vegetarians in the US who don’t enjoy competitive sports and jobs.
 c.   Vegetarians in the US don’t believe in war.
 d.   Vegetarians are not only similar in their diet, but they’re also similar in personality.
       4.        The word “their” in paragraph three line four refers to..
             a.   fast food                      c.  description
             b.   vegetarians                 d.  fast food eaters
       5.       The word ethnic in paragraph four has the closest meaning to the word…
             a.  traditional                    c.  old-fashioned
             b.  national                       d.  tribal
       6.       Which is true according to the text?
 a.   Some people choose not to eat meat because they dislike competitive sports or jobs.
 b.   Fat food eaters have a lot in common with vegetarians.
 c.   People born on the 23rd of April are said to like healthful fruits and vegetables.
 d.   Sugar and cholesterol are objects of no concern to Aquarians.


   1.       C
   2.       D
   3.       D
   4.       D
   5.       A
   6.       C

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