In Pair, rearrange the story of “ Malin Kundang “ into good and meaningful paragraph.

( ) A Some days later his ship left the harbor. The sea was calm but when he reached the open sea there was a great storm. The ship was drowned. Malin Kundang and his money changed into a stone.

( ) B One day Malin Kundang told his mother that he would go to town and work there. At first his mother did not allow him but finally she let him go with tears.

( ) C Some years later he sailed to a harbor near his village. When his mother heard about this news she came to meet him. Malin Kundang pretended not to know her. He said, “You are not my mother. Go away !” His mother became very sad and before she went she said, “Oh, Malin Kundang, you are wicked son. You’ll never be safe now. You and your money will turn to stone.”

( ) D Now people call it Batu Simalin Kundang. We can see the stone from Air Manis, a village on the coast of West Sumatra near Padang.

( ) E An old woman and her son lived in a little village. Her son was called Malin Kundang. They were very poor but they loved each other very much.

( ) F Malin Kundang worked hard in a big town and in a short time he became a rich man. However he completely forgot his poor old mother.

Read the text and answer the questions
( The legend of Prambanan Temple)
The war between Pengging and Prambanan ragend in the battlefield. The commander of Pengging was Prince Bandung Bandawasa and the commander of Prambanan was King Baka, a big giant. The King of Prambanan was killed, and the war was over. His wife, Roro Jonggrang, a very beautiful queen was safe.
Bandung Bandawasa fell in love with Roro Jonggrang and proposed her to be his wife. Roro Jonggrang refused his proposal because she thought it would be better if he proposed her daughter, Nawangsih. But Bandung insisted to marry her. Roro Jonggrang asked him a marriage settlement. She would accept him as her husband if Bandung could make a magnificent temple with a thousand beautiful statues around it and finished them in one night before the sun shone.
He agreed her and prayed for help to Gods. When the night fell a big work began. In the field there was a noise of carving and arranging stones, but no one could see what happened.
Bandung Bandawasa almost finished his temples, but Roro Jonggrang cheated him. She asked villagers to burn paddi plants in the East, so the women grinded the rice and the cocks crowed. It signed that the sun shone. Bandung knew about this and became angry. He revenged her and made her a statue.
Bandung Bandawasa was deeply in love with Roro Jonggrang. So he was very disappointed seeing Roro Jonggrang became a statue. He saw the statue from a certain distance, and the statue waved him and smiled. Bandung Bandawasa called her aloud, “ Jonggrang, don’t leave me!”. He came closer to her but it was a stone. He did it again and again. Bandung broke his heart and came home to Pengging. And Jongrang ran away from Bandung Bandawasa to a certain village.
Bandung’s father, the king of Pengging asked about the war. But Bandung just smiled and called Roro Jonggrang, “Oh, Jonggrang, will you marry me?”. His father asked him again about the war, but Bandung did not care his father’s order. His father became very angry and said, “Bandung , you are the commander of Pengging, but you acted as if you were a dog". Suddenly, Bandung became a dog.
The dog ran away to the village. However, in the village the dog met a women who was weaving clothes. The woman was in trouble with the spin (mata pintal benang). She said, “Whoever could help with my spin, he would be my husband.” No one could help her but the dog.

Answer the following questions based on the story.
1. When did the story occur?
2. Where did the story happen?
3. Mention the characters involved in the story?
4. Who won the fight ?
5. Did Bandung Bondowoso fall in love with Roro Jonggrang ?
6. Did she finally accept his love? Why?
7. What did she ask Bandung Bondowoso to do ?
8. Did Bandung succeed in completing 1.000 statues as Roro Jonggrang requested ?
9. What did Roro Jonggrang do to cancel Bandung‘s work ?
10. What did Bandung do after knowing her trickery ?
11. What do you feel after listening the story ?
12. What is the moral message from the story

The Boy Who Cried Wolf
There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!"
The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces. "Don't cry 'wolf', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the hill.
Later, the boy sang out again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away. When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'wolf' when there is NO wolf!"
But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more.
Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!" But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come.
At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn't returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping.
"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?" An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.
"We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth,
Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!" .
(source: Mahayana : 2004)
1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
2. What are the characters in the story?
3. Where and when did the story take place?
4. What does the word “their” in the second paragraph refers to?
5. What does the word “he” in the second paragraph refers to?
6. Who was the boy?
7. What did he do?
8. Why did he like to sing out” Wolf! Wolf!. The wolf is chasing the sheep?
9. Why didn’t the villager believe him anymore?
10. What did the boy do when the real wolf came?
11. What is the lesson taken from the story?

Enjoy the story below!
Keong Mas (The Golden Snail)
Prince Raden Putra and Dewi Limaran were husband and wife. They lived in a palace. Prince Raden Putra's father was the king of the kingdom.
One day, Dewi Limaran was walking around in the palace garden. Suddenly she saw a snail. It was ugly and disgusting.
"Yuck!" said Dewi Limaran and then she threw it away into a river.
She did not know that the snail was actually an old and powerful witch. She could transform herself into anything.
The witch was angry to Dewi Limaran. The witch put a spell on her and changed her into a golden snail. The witch then threw it away into the river.
The golden snail was drifting away in the river and got caught into a net. An old woman was fishing and used her net to catch some fish. She was surprised to see a golden snail in her net. She took it and brought it home.
When the old woman woke up in the morning, she was surprised that the house was in good condition. The floor was mopped. And she also had food on the table.
She was thinking very hard. "Who did this to me? The person is very kind."
It happened again and again every morning. The old woman was very curious. One night she decided to stay up late. She was peeping from her room to know who cooked for her.
Then, she could not believe what she saw. The golden snail she caught in the river turned into a beautiful woman. The old woman approached her.
"Who are you, young girl?"
"I am Dewi Limaran, Ma'am. A witch cursed me. I can change back as a human only at night," explained Dewi Limaran. "The spell can be broken if I hear the melody from the holly gamelan," continued Dewi Limaran. The old woman then rushed to the palace. She talked to Prince Raden Putra about her wife. Prince Raden Putra was so happy. He had been looking for his wife everywhere.
He then prayed and meditated. He asked the Gods to give him the holy gamelan. He wanted to break the witch's spell.
After several days praying and meditating, finally Gods granted his wish. He immediately brought the holly gamelan to the old woman's house. He played it beautifully. And then amazingly the golden snail turned into the beautiful Dewi Limaran.
The couple was so happy that they could be together again. They also thanked the old woman for her kindness. As a return, they asked her to stay in the palace.

Answer the questions below based on the text above!
1. Do you enjoy reading story?
2. Do you think this is a well-written story?
3. Is it sad ending or happy ending story?
4. Who are the characters in the story?
5. Who is the main character?
6. Did the main character find a problem in this story?
7. Which sentence in the text shows the problems?
8. Was the problem resolved?
9. Which sentence(s) in the text shows how the problem resolved?
10. What moral lesson do you get from the story above?

Rearrange the jumbled paragraph to make a good and meaningful text.

A. The dead donkey has been my teacher, “replied the fox. “From his foolish conduct I have learned to be wise”
B. On seeing this, the lion looked very pleased, “Master Fox,” he said, “This is indeed a most satifactory divisor. Who taught you to be so clever?”
C. One lion, a fox, and a donkey set off for a day’s hunting, after agreeting that each was to have an equal share of what was caught. After a time, they were able to pull down and kill a fat buck; and the lion asked the donkey to bes so good as to divide the prize. As farily as he could, the obliging donkey cut up the buck into threee equal parts, and then he invited the lion to take his choice.
D. Then the lion told the fox to divide the meat. This the fox did; but he was cunning. He put aside a big heap for the lion’s share, and kept only a small piece for himself.
E. At this, the lion flew into a violent rage, sprang on the poor donkey, and killed him with a powerful blow.
F. The clever judge

Analyze the narrative text structure of the story above
Tittle :
Orientation :

Complication :

Resolution :

Compication :

Resolution :

Moral value :

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